Author’s Spotlight

Every year we look forward to celebrating more books by Pacifica alumni making their way out into the world of Published!  So far this year we know about the following books published in 2018-2019. 

We look forward to adding your new book to this page!  Please make sure to let us at PGIAA know if you have a book coming out.  The spotlight remains open for submissions!  Send your publication information to:

AND, stay tuned, because we plan to cook up an on-campus celebration of Alumni Authors for 2020!

2020 Authors Spotlight

Past Authors

“If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it” 

– Toni Morrison

Have you published a book within the last year? We’d love to know!

PGIAA strives to showcase our own authors, and we need your help making sure we have your book!

These days, there are numerous publishing modes, and we are not always notified when alumni have produced new work.

IF YOU HAVE PUBLISHED, OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS, please contact Dianne Travis-Teague to make sure we have your book title and publication information for inclusion in our 2018 Authors Spotlight.  Then, plan to join us and be a part of our 2018 Coming Home listing/event.

Dianne Travis-Teague

Because time is of the essence, your reply is requested no later than
Wednesday, April 25th – close of business

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