Book Title: Cognitive Enlightenment
Year Published: September 2019
Pacifica Program: Counseling Psychology
Cognitive Enlightenment
Ph.D. Melinda Fouts takes the reader through ways to gain a greater understanding of how we all disrupt our own inner peace. She teaches a method to develop a daily discipline to control emotional triggers and begin the journey of cognitive enlightenment.
About Melinda Fouts
Melinda Fouts received her Ph.D. in Jungian Psychology from Saybrook University and her Masters in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Licensed in both California and Colorado, she has been in private practice for over 20 years. In addition to her psychotherapy practice, she has worked as a consultant with executives and businesses to help leaders unlock their fullest potential through increased self-awareness. As a result of her experience and studies, she has developed a unique craft that fine-tunes leadership development for peak performance. She also writes for Forbes Magazine about mindfulness and emotional intelligence. She lives in Aspen, Colorado with her big, beautiful dog, Stryder.